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小萝莉刘俊英 中国科学技巧大学 马浩 (Hao Ma)

发布日期:2024-09-28 22:17    点击次数:82

小萝莉刘俊英 中国科学技巧大学 马浩 (Hao Ma)

I am a tenure-track full professor in the Department of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). I was a postdoc advised by Dr. Michael E Manley at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and a member of the seven-institutions Center for Thermal Energy Transport under Irradiation. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Material Physics from USTC in 2014 and my PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University under the supervision of Prof. Zhiting Tian in 2020. I have published 20+ journal papers, 21 of which are first-or corresponding- authored, and most are in prestigious journals including Physics Review Letters and Nano Letters. My research was highlighted by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Scilight, and covered by the Cornell Chronicle and Argonne Science Highlight. I have received several highly competitive awards, including the Chinese government award for outstanding self-financed students abroad in 2020 (1/500 globally) and the Grants-In-Aid of Research award in 2019. I am now serving as an early career editorial board member for four journals: Journal of Materials Science and Technology小萝莉刘俊英, Materials Research Letters, Smart Molecules and EcoEnergy, and as a peer reviewer for many journals.


马浩,中国科学技巧大学热科学和动力工程系,特任西宾、博士生导师。2014年本科毕业于中国科大材料科学与工程系,2020年博士毕业于好意思国康奈尔大学机械工程系,2020年10月-2023年4月于好意思国橡树岭国度执行室任博士后洽商员(同期隶属于好意思国动力部放射热能输运洽商中心),短视频2022年入选国度革命东说念主才后生形势,2023年5月起加入中国科大零丁建组。主要从事微纳米传热、先进热处分、热电动力转念、热功能性材料与器件、超快激光热物性测量、非弹性X光/中子散射、多圭臬模拟仿真、动力纳米材料(高分子、杂化钙钛矿、核燃料材料)等方面的洽商。现已发表20余篇论文, 其中包括Physics Review Letters, Nano Letters等一作(含共一)或通信论文21篇,荣获2020年国度优秀私费留学生奖学金(每年全国500东说念主),2019年Grants-In-Aid of Research award等奖项。现担任Journal of Materials Science and Technology,Materials Research Letters, Smart Molecules和 EcoEnergy等期刊后生编委及多个期刊的专科评审。

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